Windows WordPress Wow

Windows Live and

I’m not a keen been when it comes to Windows products, but I know that many organisations (including my school) are built on a Windows platform. Naturally I’ve never been tempted to use Windows Live for blogging, as I’ve been sold on WordPress since I started blogging back in 2006.  So it was nice to see that Windows has conceded to WordPress as the better blogging platform.

Good onya!  Come on all you live blogers….join me here at WordPress!

As we looked at customers’ blogging needs and what different companies were providing, we were particularly  interested in what is doing. They have a host of impressive capabilities – from a scalable platform and leading spam protection, to great personalization and customization. WordPress powers over 8.5% of the web, is used on over 26 million sites, and is seen by over 250 million people every month. Not only that, Automattic is a company filled with great people focused on improving blogging experiences. So rather than having Windows Live invest in a competing blogging service, we decided the best thing we could do for our customers was to give them a great blogging solution through

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