8 thoughts on “Literacy and Web 2.0

  1. Pingback: Information Literacy at dougbelshaw.com

  2. Pingback: Doug’s Ed.D. blog » Information Literacy

  3. Judy, this is such a valuable resource – thank you so much for sharing it. (And thanks Miguel for blogging about it because I don’t know how I missed it!!) I would really like to share it with my fellow colleagues as we come to the end of our participation in a 2-year Ministry of Education Literacy contract. Awesome!! Chrissy (NZ)

  4. Pingback: What is all the Hype? « Berniebou’s Weblog

  5. This is exactly the kind of presentation I’ve been searching for this weekend! I’m trying to compile as many resources as I can for a parent presentation on Monday. Sometimes it seems that educating the parents is a larger part of my job than educating the students 🙂

  6. Pingback: Literacy in a digital world : thinking 2.0

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